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Updated: May 12, 2022


<EGG & TOMATO SOUR SOUP/ 卵とトマトのサンラータン>

<Yield> 2-3 servings

<Prep time> 5 minutes

<Cook time> 10 minutes


500ml water

½ cup green onion, chopped

1 small tomato (approximately 150g)

1 block of tofu (200g), cubed

2 eggs

2 pieces shiitake mushroom

2 tablespoons dried wakame seaweed

1 tablespoon sake/rice wine

1 tablespoon potato starch + 1 tablespoon water

1 tablespoon Soy sauce

2 teaspoons rice vinegar

1 teaspoon vegetable bouillon cube/powder

1 teaspoon ginger, grated

salt and black pepper (optional)


1. Thinly slice the green onion and shiitake mushrooms. Cut the tomato into wedges and set aside. Whisk the eggs together in a small bowl. Cut the tofu into small cubes.

2. In a pot, bring the water to a boil over high heat. Add in the shiitake mushrooms, tomatoes and bouillon cube/powder. Cook for 3 minutes. Once the tomato has softened, lower the heat to medium. Add in tofu, wakame seaweed, grated ginger and soy sauce. Thicken the soup by adding the dissolved mixture of potato starch and water.

3. Season with rice vinegar. Lastly, add in the whisked eggs by making a swirl in the soup. Remove from heat. Adjust the taste with salt and black pepper if needed.

<Miwa’s tips> ※Watch more on YouTube!

1. Use any bouillon powder or cube you have on hand. Depending on the product, the sodium contents differs. Make sure to adjust the taste by adding more salt or water at the end.

2. Once you add in the wakame seaweed, try not to boil the soup otherwise it might result in an unpleasant seaweed smell.

<Storage time>

Store in an air-tight container in the fridge for up to 5 days.

<MIWA’s recommendations♡>

- First E-cookbooks are now available! I hope this will be helpful and enjoyable in your kitchen^^

-Please check out beautiful Japanese tableware to decorate your table! Use my code MIWA to get 5% off from your purchase!

-If you need very sharp quality knife, I highly recommend this handmade Japanese knife made by 80 years old Japanese maker!


2021/ 09/04 MIWA

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